fragile fragments
clatterring down
the lavish marble staircase
tinkling smithereens
smashing, grabbing
at thechina-stars
bursting in clusters
scattering E-side cats
credit card dropping
from rain-clowds
pour down on the well-polished floor
tortoiseshell hair-combs
and black tape cassettes
rattle the cages of
knife wielding grand dames
and say, are you chasing the cherry ?
the merry go round of the roses
if so, you must know
that the down side
is sink like a ferry
ascending the slope
in a herring bone fashion
holding on chromium steel
lifting the bar bells
with candlestick motion
side steppiing hot wax,
and wheel
flying with lizards
all blown in a gust
through staining glass
windows and covered
with dust blood,
to keep out the rain
and say are you chasing the cherry ?
the merry go round of the roses
if so, you must know
that the down side
is sinklike a ferry
a weapon is not
worth a button
when anti-world
matters explode
and chandeliers
drop from the ceiling
with sharp shooters skill
exhausted collapse
in the playground
apeak epileptic remains
and froth at the mouth
like a river, til
teachers in apple pie beds
reach out their
chalk filled hands
and lift
and lift
and say, are you chasing the cherry ?
the singular red one on top
it gleams with particular pleasure
that may well never stop
if so, you must know
that the high tide
is sunk like a ferry
Este é dos 5 poemas que Paul McCartney enviou a uma revista literária em 1996, com o objetivo de serem avaliadas. Caso não seja lançada no seu livro "Blackbird Singing" este será um dos pouquíssimos lugares onde ela foi publicada.
Luiz Antonio da Silva (Beatles Cavern Club-SP)